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Empower yourself with the power of AI to streamline your work and unlock hidden insights!

This hands-on course is designed for non-technical professionals who want to understand and leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their everyday corporate tasks. You'll learn the fundamentals of AI through engaging classification and prediction projects directly applicable to your specific job functions.

No prior coding experience required! This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Decode the jargon: Demystify AI terminology and understand how it applies to your work.

  • Explore the power of classification: Learn how to use AI to categorize data, automate tasks, and improve decision-making.

  • Master prediction techniques: Discover how to predict future outcomes, trends, and customer behavior using AI models.

  • Dive into real-world projects: Apply your newfound knowledge to practical projects relevant to your specific role, such as:

    • Marketing: Predicting customer churn, identifying potential leads, and optimizing campaign performance.

    • Finance: Detecting fraudulent transactions, forecasting financial trends, and optimizing risk management.

    • Human Resources: Improving employee hiring and retention, predicting skill gaps, and streamlining recruitment processes.

    • Operations: Optimizing logistics and supply chains, predicting equipment failures, and improving resource allocation.

  • Unlock your data's potential: Learn how to access and analyze data from your organization to feed AI models and gain valuable insights.

  • Build your confidence: Gain practical skills and knowledge to confidently discuss and implement AI solutions in your workplace.

By the end of this course, you'll be:

  • Empowered with practical AI skills: Apply your newfound knowledge to solve real-world problems in your daily work.

  • Confident in your understanding of AI: Communicate effectively about AI with colleagues and clients.

  • Prepared for the future: Stay ahead of the curve as AI continues to transform the workplace.

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Empower yourself with the power of AI to streamline your work and unlock hidden insights!

This hands-on course is designed for non-technical professionals who want to understand and leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their everyday corporate tasks. You'll learn the fundamentals of AI through engaging classification and prediction projects directly applicable to your specific job functions.

No prior coding experience required! This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Decode the jargon: Demystify AI terminology and understand how it applies to your work.

  • Explore the power of classification: Learn how to use AI to categorize data, automate tasks, and improve decision-making.

  • Master prediction techniques: Discover how to predict future outcomes, trends, and customer behavior using AI models.

  • Dive into real-world projects: Apply your newfound knowledge to practical projects relevant to your specific role, such as:

    • Marketing: Predicting customer churn, identifying potential leads, and optimizing campaign performance.

    • Finance: Detecting fraudulent transactions, forecasting financial trends, and optimizing risk management.

    • Human Resources: Improving employee hiring and retention, predicting skill gaps, and streamlining recruitment processes.

    • Operations: Optimizing logistics and supply chains, predicting equipment failures, and improving resource allocation.

  • Unlock your data's potential: Learn how to access and analyze data from your organization to feed AI models and gain valuable insights.

  • Build your confidence: Gain practical skills and knowledge to confidently discuss and implement AI solutions in your workplace.

By the end of this course, you'll be:

  • Empowered with practical AI skills: Apply your newfound knowledge to solve real-world problems in your daily work.

  • Confident in your understanding of AI: Communicate effectively about AI with colleagues and clients.

  • Prepared for the future: Stay ahead of the curve as AI continues to transform the workplace.


En este curso te embarcarás en un viaje a través del mundo del Arte Generativo con IA, una experiencia que despertará tu creatividad y expandirá tus horizontes artísticos. Aprenderás por qué dominar una variedad de herramientas de IA es esencial para convertirte en un artista de IA completo y versátil.

Cada herramienta de IA tiene su especialidad única: MidJourney es excepcional para crear imágenes fotorrealistas, pero no es la herramienta ideal para el inpainting; ahí es donde destaca Leonardo AI. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de personalización de imágenes, las bibliotecas de Stable Diffusion son insuperables. ¿Y qué hay de las necesidades de escalar, relumbrar o editar imágenes? Adobe Firefly es tu solución. Esta diversidad de herramientas te permitirá abordar cualquier reto creativo.

A lo largo del curso, explorarás tecnologías innovadoras como DALL-E, Stable Diffusion (SD) e Images AI, que están redefiniendo el proceso de creación artística. Te sumergirás en el mundo de las herramientas de edición fotográfica con IA y descubrirás todo el potencial de Fooocus, Adobe Firefly, RunwayML, Leonardo AI, Playground, etc para crear obras maestras impresionantes.

Este curso no solo ampliará tus habilidades técnicas, sino que también te inspirará a experimentar y explorar nuevas fronteras en el arte digital.

¿Qué Aprenderás?

  • Fundamentos y Aplicaciones de la IA Generativa: Desde los conceptos básicos hasta las aplicaciones complejas, explorando cómo la IA está redefiniendo el arte con tecnologías como ChatGPT y DALL-E.

  • Generación de Imágenes con IA: Domina la creación de imágenes impresionantes con GANs, Neural Style Transfer y modelos de difusión, abordando temas como legalidad y copyright.

  • MidJourney - Tu Camino Creativo: Descubre cómo usar MidJourney para transformar tus ideas en arte visual, con prácticas en ingeniería de prompts y configuración de estilo.

  • DALL-E y Más Allá: Aprende técnicas avanzadas con DALL-E de OpenAI, desde edición hasta personalización de imágenes y 'outpainting'.

  • Leonardo AI y Nuevas Herramientas: Explora la versatilidad de Leonardo AI y herramientas emergentes como Foocus y Adobe Firefly.

  • Edición Avanzada de Imágenes y Videos con IA: Avanza en la edición de imágenes y generación de videos con herramientas de vanguardia como Playground, D-ID, MagicEraser, Lensa y más.

Este curso es ideal para artistas, diseñadores y cualquier persona interesada en el arte digital y la IA, ofreciendo una oportunidad única para explorar y expandir sus habilidades creativas en el emocionante campo del Arte Generativo con IA. ¡Desata tu potencial y lleva tu creatividad a nuevas alturas!


En este curso te embarcarás en un viaje a través del mundo del Arte Generativo con IA, una experiencia que despertará tu creatividad y expandirá tus horizontes artísticos. Aprenderás por qué dominar una variedad de herramientas de IA es esencial para convertirte en un artista de IA completo y versátil.

Cada herramienta de IA tiene su especialidad única: MidJourney es excepcional para crear imágenes fotorrealistas, pero no es la herramienta ideal para el inpainting; ahí es donde destaca Leonardo AI. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de personalización de imágenes, las bibliotecas de Stable Diffusion son insuperables. ¿Y qué hay de las necesidades de escalar, relumbrar o editar imágenes? Adobe Firefly es tu solución. Esta diversidad de herramientas te permitirá abordar cualquier reto creativo.

A lo largo del curso, explorarás tecnologías innovadoras como DALL-E, Stable Diffusion (SD) e Images AI, que están redefiniendo el proceso de creación artística. Te sumergirás en el mundo de las herramientas de edición fotográfica con IA y descubrirás todo el potencial de Fooocus, Adobe Firefly, RunwayML, Leonardo AI, Playground, etc para crear obras maestras impresionantes.

Este curso no solo ampliará tus habilidades técnicas, sino que también te inspirará a experimentar y explorar nuevas fronteras en el arte digital.

¿Qué Aprenderás?

  • Fundamentos y Aplicaciones de la IA Generativa: Desde los conceptos básicos hasta las aplicaciones complejas, explorando cómo la IA está redefiniendo el arte con tecnologías como ChatGPT y DALL-E.

  • Generación de Imágenes con IA: Domina la creación de imágenes impresionantes con GANs, Neural Style Transfer y modelos de difusión, abordando temas como legalidad y copyright.

  • MidJourney - Tu Camino Creativo: Descubre cómo usar MidJourney para transformar tus ideas en arte visual, con prácticas en ingeniería de prompts y configuración de estilo.

  • DALL-E y Más Allá: Aprende técnicas avanzadas con DALL-E de OpenAI, desde edición hasta personalización de imágenes y 'outpainting'.

  • Leonardo AI y Nuevas Herramientas: Explora la versatilidad de Leonardo AI y herramientas emergentes como Foocus y Adobe Firefly.

  • Edición Avanzada de Imágenes y Videos con IA: Avanza en la edición de imágenes y generación de videos con herramientas de vanguardia como Playground, D-ID, MagicEraser, Lensa y más.

Este curso es ideal para artistas, diseñadores y cualquier persona interesada en el arte digital y la IA, ofreciendo una oportunidad única para explorar y expandir sus habilidades creativas en el emocionante campo del Arte Generativo con IA. ¡Desata tu potencial y lleva tu creatividad a nuevas alturas!


Merhaba, Google Bard AI Masters & Yapay Zeka Eğitimize, ismim Turan. Eğitim de Google Bard Yapay Zeka Modelini ve yapay zeka alanında en kaliteli, kullanışlı ve farklı alanlarda işlevi olan alternatif yapay zeka modellerini etkin ve yetkin şekilde kullanabilmeyi sizlere öğreteceğim.

Öğrendiğiniz bu Yapay Zeka Modelleri ile her alan kendinize ve işinize katma değer katacak, kendinizi her alanda geliştirebilecek, rakiplerinizin önüne kolayca geçebileceksiniz.


Majör Yapay Zeka Modeli;

  • Google Bard Yapay Zeka Modeli

Alternatif Yapay Zeka Modelleri;

  • Dall-E-2 Yapay Zeka Modeli

  • PishWish Yapay Zeka Modeli

  • Unscreen Yapay Zeka Modeli

  • Photoaid Yapay Zeka Modeli

Kursla İlgili ;

  • Zeka Modellerini etkin, yetkin ve verimli şekilde kullanmayı öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modellerinin temel ve ileri seviye özelliklerini kullanabilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modelleri ile etkili ve doğru iletişim kurabilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modelleri ile farklı alanlarda farklı senaryolarda çalışabilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modellerini kullanarak maddi ve manevi kazanımlar elde edebilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

Kursun Avantajı ve Diğerlerinden Farkı Nedir ?

  • Eğitim içerisindeki bağlantıdan Telegram gurubuma dahil olacaksınız ve o guruptan bana ulaşıp, eğitimde anlamadığınız yerleri ve platform ile alakalı sorularınızı 7/24 sorma fırsatı yakalayacak sonsuza kadar komşum olacaksınız.

  • Değişken platform koşulları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, bu eğitim sonsuza kadar sürekli güncellenecek ve en yeni bilgileri sizlere sunmaya devam edeceğim.

-Turan Geze

''Aslan için hiçbir şey imkânsız değildir.''


Merhaba, Google Bard AI Masters & Yapay Zeka Eğitimize, ismim Turan. Eğitim de Google Bard Yapay Zeka Modelini ve yapay zeka alanında en kaliteli, kullanışlı ve farklı alanlarda işlevi olan alternatif yapay zeka modellerini etkin ve yetkin şekilde kullanabilmeyi sizlere öğreteceğim.

Öğrendiğiniz bu Yapay Zeka Modelleri ile her alan kendinize ve işinize katma değer katacak, kendinizi her alanda geliştirebilecek, rakiplerinizin önüne kolayca geçebileceksiniz.


Majör Yapay Zeka Modeli;

  • Google Bard Yapay Zeka Modeli

Alternatif Yapay Zeka Modelleri;

  • Dall-E-2 Yapay Zeka Modeli

  • PishWish Yapay Zeka Modeli

  • Unscreen Yapay Zeka Modeli

  • Photoaid Yapay Zeka Modeli

Kursla İlgili ;

  • Zeka Modellerini etkin, yetkin ve verimli şekilde kullanmayı öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modellerinin temel ve ileri seviye özelliklerini kullanabilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modelleri ile etkili ve doğru iletişim kurabilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modelleri ile farklı alanlarda farklı senaryolarda çalışabilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

  • Yapay Zeka Modellerini kullanarak maddi ve manevi kazanımlar elde edebilmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

Kursun Avantajı ve Diğerlerinden Farkı Nedir ?

  • Eğitim içerisindeki bağlantıdan Telegram gurubuma dahil olacaksınız ve o guruptan bana ulaşıp, eğitimde anlamadığınız yerleri ve platform ile alakalı sorularınızı 7/24 sorma fırsatı yakalayacak sonsuza kadar komşum olacaksınız.

  • Değişken platform koşulları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, bu eğitim sonsuza kadar sürekli güncellenecek ve en yeni bilgileri sizlere sunmaya devam edeceğim.

-Turan Geze

''Aslan için hiçbir şey imkânsız değildir.''


Hello. My name is Swapnil Saurav and I Welcome you to my comprehensive training course on JMP software! JMP is a powerful statistical analysis tool that provides users with the ability to explore and visualize data, create predictive models, and make data-driven decisions.

Throughout this training, you will learn how to utilize the various features and functions of JMP to analyze data from a wide range of industries and disciplines. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage JMP effectively.

We will start by introducing you to the JMP interface, navigating the different menus and windows, and customizing your workspace to suit your needs. From there, we will delve into the various data import options available in JMP, including importing data from Excel, CSV files, and databases.

Next, we will explore the data manipulation capabilities of JMP, such as sorting, filtering, and transforming data. You will learn how to create and edit formulas, perform calculations, and identify missing values or outliers in your data.

Once you have a clean and organized dataset, we will move on to exploring and visualizing your data. You will discover how to create informative graphs, charts, and plots, as well as perform basic and advanced statistical analyses using JMP's extensive library of statistical tools.

Additionally, we will cover the basics of predictive modeling in JMP, including building and evaluating regression models, classification models, and decision trees. You will learn how to select the appropriate model, assess its quality, and interpret the results.

I have also included short module on statistics both descriptive and inferential types which will help you to understand the concepts behind the analytics and the models.

By the end of this training, you will have a strong foundation in using JMP software for data analysis and visualization. Whether you are a researcher, analyst, or decision-maker, the skills acquired in this course will enable you to unlock the full potential of your data and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

So let's dive in and start exploring the incredible capabilities of JMP software!


Hello. My name is Swapnil Saurav and I Welcome you to my comprehensive training course on JMP software! JMP is a powerful statistical analysis tool that provides users with the ability to explore and visualize data, create predictive models, and make data-driven decisions.

Throughout this training, you will learn how to utilize the various features and functions of JMP to analyze data from a wide range of industries and disciplines. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage JMP effectively.

We will start by introducing you to the JMP interface, navigating the different menus and windows, and customizing your workspace to suit your needs. From there, we will delve into the various data import options available in JMP, including importing data from Excel, CSV files, and databases.

Next, we will explore the data manipulation capabilities of JMP, such as sorting, filtering, and transforming data. You will learn how to create and edit formulas, perform calculations, and identify missing values or outliers in your data.

Once you have a clean and organized dataset, we will move on to exploring and visualizing your data. You will discover how to create informative graphs, charts, and plots, as well as perform basic and advanced statistical analyses using JMP's extensive library of statistical tools.

Additionally, we will cover the basics of predictive modeling in JMP, including building and evaluating regression models, classification models, and decision trees. You will learn how to select the appropriate model, assess its quality, and interpret the results.

I have also included short module on statistics both descriptive and inferential types which will help you to understand the concepts behind the analytics and the models.

By the end of this training, you will have a strong foundation in using JMP software for data analysis and visualization. Whether you are a researcher, analyst, or decision-maker, the skills acquired in this course will enable you to unlock the full potential of your data and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

So let's dive in and start exploring the incredible capabilities of JMP software!

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'AI Governance: Steering the Future Responsibly', a meticulously crafted introduction designed to immerse you in the vital field of AI governance. As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize industries, the need for robust governance frameworks becomes paramount. This course offers a peek into the multi-faceted world of AI governance, merging cutting-edge theory with practical, real-world challenges.

We unfold the importance of ethical AI deployment and balancing innovation with essential regulatory oversight. You'll get a holistic view of how AI governance is shaping the technological world.

This course is not just about understanding AI governance; it's about becoming a proactive participant in the global conversation on responsible AI use. Ideal for professionals, policymakers, tech enthusiasts, and anyone keen to grasp the fast-evolving dynamics of AI, this course equips you with the head-start to lead and innovate responsibly in the AI space.

By the end of this journey, you will know that AI governance is crucial to understand from the very beginning for several key reasons like understanding governance early helps ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is ethical, fair, and respects human rights and AI systems can pose risks, such as biases in decision-making, privacy breaches, and unintended consequences where early governance helps identify and mitigate these risks before they escalate. Enroll in 'AI Governance: Steering the Future Responsibly' today to be part of shaping a future where AI is governed with insight, ethics, and a deep sense of responsibility.

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'AI Governance: Steering the Future Responsibly', a meticulously crafted introduction designed to immerse you in the vital field of AI governance. As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize industries, the need for robust governance frameworks becomes paramount. This course offers a peek into the multi-faceted world of AI governance, merging cutting-edge theory with practical, real-world challenges.

We unfold the importance of ethical AI deployment and balancing innovation with essential regulatory oversight. You'll get a holistic view of how AI governance is shaping the technological world.

This course is not just about understanding AI governance; it's about becoming a proactive participant in the global conversation on responsible AI use. Ideal for professionals, policymakers, tech enthusiasts, and anyone keen to grasp the fast-evolving dynamics of AI, this course equips you with the head-start to lead and innovate responsibly in the AI space.

By the end of this journey, you will know that AI governance is crucial to understand from the very beginning for several key reasons like understanding governance early helps ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is ethical, fair, and respects human rights and AI systems can pose risks, such as biases in decision-making, privacy breaches, and unintended consequences where early governance helps identify and mitigate these risks before they escalate. Enroll in 'AI Governance: Steering the Future Responsibly' today to be part of shaping a future where AI is governed with insight, ethics, and a deep sense of responsibility.